Waves of Tomorrow
Waves of Tomorrow is a series produced by Bluewave Alliance and Odicean Studios, highlighting the crucial role of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in conserving the Mediterranean Sea. Despite being one of the most polluted seas in the world, the Mediterranean is home to unique biodiversity.
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Waves of Tomorrow is an audiovisual series created by Bluewave Alliance and Odicean Studios, focusing on the importance of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the conservation of the Mediterranean Sea. Despite being one of the most polluted seas in the world, the Mediterranean is home to unique biodiversity. The series explores how MPAs are playing a key role in restoring this vital ecosystem, while the UN and the scientific community strive to protect 30% of the Mediterranean by 2030.
The first episode takes us to the Medes Islands, a shining example of marine conservation success, offering an inspiring glimpse into the future of these protected areas. Through striking visuals, the series urges us to take immediate action to safeguard our seas and their species before it is too late.
Starring María Barbena, Pol Ramos, and Pol Vives, the series combines breathtaking footage with a powerful message: the protection of the Mediterranean is achievable, but it calls for collective action. The Waves of Tomorrow team aims to connect people with the beauty of the Mediterranean, showcasing both its natural wonders and the threats it faces, in order to inspire global audiences to take action.
One episode released, with nine more to come.
Number of views from its premiere on YouTube.
of production, with a ten-person artistic and technical team.
How Can I Help?
Ayúdanos a impulsar proyectos cuyo objetivo es proteger y recuperar el ecosistema del Mediterráneo. Tu colaboración es fundamental para lograrlo. Juntos, lo haremos posible.
Are you a committed company or organization looking for ways to help the Mediterranean? Collaborate with the Bluewave Alliance!